
Ingredients for Watalappam recipe:

Jaggery – 500g

Thick Coconut Milk powder – 200ml

Eggs – 05

Nutmeg powder – ¼ tsp

Pinch of Cardamom Powder

Pinch of Cinnamon ground

Chopped cashew – 50g

Sultana – 50g

How to make Watalappan:

At First you should crush the jaggery. Then, you should beat the eggs in a separate bowl. After that, you can add your crushed jaggery into the beaten egg mixture and mix it well. Then, add coconut milk, cardamom powder, nutmeg powder into this mixture and whisk it until all the jaggery is dissolved. After that, strain the mixture into a bowl and bake (bake it for 45 minutes at 180ÂșC temperature) or steam it for 45 minutes 


Before you put this into steam or bake, make sure to cover the bowl. You can cover this by a foil paper. For steaming your Watalappan, you can use a steamer or you can bake in an ovenproof bowl or you can make it with a microwave in a microwave safe dish. Once your Watalappan is steamed or baked, you can garnish it with chopped cashew and sultanas before serving.


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